Student Life
Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect as a student of LCU:

LCU provides a full accommodation service designed to help students who are in search of a place to live. The University has a number of partner hotels and B&Bs, where special rates are available. Please see our accommodation page for more information.

Art cafè
From breakfast to dinner, the Art café (café and restaurant) is available to LCU students for anything from a light lunch to a cup of tea, an aperitif with fellow students or an evening spent with friends.

Assistance for international students
LCU provides several services for international students: it guarantees assistance in a range of areas, from residency permits and tax code applications to a pick-up service from the airport.

Students’ association

Alumni association
The former students’ (alumni) association allows the Link community identity to be kept alive by helping our graduates to keep in touch with their fellow students and promoting networking.

The multi-faith chaplaincy offers spiritual advice to all members of the University’s community. Our chaplain is available for those needing advice for the development of their own spiritual path.

Special learning needs